
Useful. Private. Real time. Offline. Safe Intelligence in your Pocket.

We are building a multi-modal, multi-task foundational model ecosystem running at the edge for enabling the next generation of real-time, privacy first & Personal Agents/Copilots running on Client devices at the edge, with the accuracy of state of the Art cloud LLMs like GPT-4.

Useful. Private. Real time. Offline. Safe Intelligence in your Pocket.

We are building a multi-modal, multi-task foundational model ecosystem running at the edge for enabling the next generation of real-time, privacy first & Personal Agents/Copilots running on Client devices at the edge, with the accuracy of state of the Art cloud LLMs like GPT-4.

Useful. Private. Real time. Offline. Safe Intelligence in your Pocket.

We are building a multi-modal, multi-task foundational model ecosystem running at the edge for enabling the next generation of real-time, privacy first & Personal Agents/Copilots running on Client devices at the edge, with the accuracy of state of the Art cloud LLMs like GPT-4.

At Bud Ecosystem, our objective is to build reliable, useful & Personal AGI accessible for the entire Mankind.

We are in Pursuit of Happyness & Progress, for all the mankind by democratising skills & creativity with Intelligent systems & Agents.

Expression of Intelligence

Research on how Agents can easily act on its environment & its impact on the perceived intelligence. What is Smarter Jarvis or GPT-4?

Emergence of Intelligence

How does perception & its effectiveness w.r.t the environment impacts Cognition & World understanding, during the learning phase?

Guard Rails & Impact management

Guard Rails matters for safety. But, what about the impact of a new emergent phenomenon or a new skill on the society?

We believe that AGI is the biggest turning point in the history of our species - Building a self evolving super intelligence aligned to the human preferences & goals. A well aligned AGI system would lead to fundamental shift & progress in all domains from food production, Engineering, Fundamental Sciences, Transportation, Communication etc. leading to the progress of the entire species, potentially allowing us to be multi-planetary species over a shorter period of time. This event is formally defined as singularity event. However, by definition Singularity events are defined as chain of events that leads to massive progress that could not be predicted in prior - If that progress would lead to a positive future of progress for the entire species or a negative one leading to the destruction of the species. Our AGI research focuses on building the right Fail Safe’s, AGI Impact management & Quantification systems, Technologies that assist with the Expression of Intelligence, PI Data & Privacy management systems in the age of AGI.




Bud EcoSystem

10:57 GMT+1

Bud EcoSystem

10:57 GMT+1

Bud EcoSystem

10:57 GMT+1

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